The Carriage Association of America Legacy Society recognizes members and friends who have included a gift to the Carriage Association Endowment Fund in their long-term financial or estate plans and have informed the Carriage Association of their commitment. The gift could take the form of a bequest provision in a will, a charitable trust, a beneficiary designation in a life insurance policy, retirement fund or other financial account, or a similar gift designation.

Gifts of any size and type are appreciated and help the Carriage Association fulfill its core mission of protecting and promoting the history of horse drawn vehicles and perpetuating the art of traditional carriage driving.
Planned gifts to the Carriage Association can be made, by example, in one or more of the following ways:
• A Bequest in the form of a percentage of an estate, a specific dollar amount, or a specific asset such as real estate or tangible personal property (for example, a carriage). Bequests are the most common way to make a donation to the Carriage Association through your estate.
• A Gift that provides life income, such as a Charitable Remainder Trust or a Charitable Gift Annuity.
• A Gift of a Qualified Retirement Plan, such as an IRA or the stock or proceeds of a 401k plan.
• Gifts of Real Estate.
Here is sample language that you could share with your attorney for his/her consideration in drafting a bequest in your will or trust:
Specific Gift Language (Naming the CAA as a beneficiary of a specific amount from your estate)
I bequeath to the Carriage Association of America, a non-profit organization (Tax ID # 75-1173792), located in Lexington, KY, the sum of $_________ (or asset).
Residual Gift Language (A residual bequest comes to the CAA after your estate expenses and specific bequests are paid)
I bequeath to the Carriage Association of America, a non-profit organization (Tax ID # 75-1173792), located in Lexington, KY, all (or state a certain percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal.
If you have already included the Carriage Association of America in your plans, we thank you so much and would be honored to include you as a member of the Carriage Association of America Legacy Society. You always have the right to be included as an “anonymous” member, if that is your preference.
Your planned gift to the Endowment Fund is gratefully received and acknowledged through the Legacy Society and provides a permanent source of support to the Carriage Association of America.
This information is not intended as legal, financial or tax advice. Please consult an attorney, financial advisor, or tax advisor in your planning.
Carriage Association of America
4075 Iron Works Parkway
Lexington, KY 40511
Tax Identification # 75-1173792
Contact Information:
Bill Venditta
Tel: 610-220-6789
Jill Ryder
Tel: 859-2310971
The Carriage Association of America is a charitable educational organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law