The Carriage Association of America (CAA) was founded in 1960 and is the oldest and largest international organization devoted to the preservation and restoration of horse-drawn carriages and sleighs. We have introduced thousands of people to the wonders of collecting these vehicles and the pleasures of driving them. We help our members discover the beauty and charm of a lifestyle that has all but vanished from our modern world. Our mission is to maintain a nonprofit association for the exchange of information regarding all aspects and use of animal-drawn vehicles and as an accurate source of technical information for the benefit of its members and the general public.
The Founding Members of the CAA had a bold dream, believing that there were many fellow carriage enthusiasts in the nation, and knowing that, if they were brought together, the shared knowledge would benefit us all. The Mission Statement drawn up by these founders has remained the strong backbone of the organization ever since.
One of the association’s early presidents, Sidney Latham, wrote in a letter to the membership: “We cater to those who love the memory of that historic age when horse-drawn vehicles fulfilled so many needs of mankind.” He continued, “We strive to be historically accurate, currently informative, and helpful to all who share our appreciation of things that were.”
The Carriage Journal, our official publication, has been distributed to our members without interruption for more than fifty years. Published five times a year, it contains informative articles about a wide range of subjects: carriage and driving history, restoration, preservation, driving, harnessing, and news about CAA meetings and events. The Carriage Journal also introduces its readers to many of our members and their collections, and visits some of the great museums around the world.
Membership benefits abound. To name just a few:
- a subscription to The Carriage Journal
- the opportunity to enter vehicles in the annual CAA Carriage Showcase competition
- the opportunity to participate in the CAA Driver Proficiency Program
- Members-only discounts in the CAA bookstore
- CAA-member discounts at
- and the opportunity to attend CAA meetings and events
CAA Learning Weekends and CAA Driving Weekends are held in a variety of locations, with seminars, hands-on demonstrations, and social activities. The CAA also hosts an academic symposium, known as the International Carriage Symposium, every other year and trips to visit carriage collections and driving competitions.