How do I choose the right cart for my horse?
Advice from experts on how they fit carts and carriages to their horses and ponies is available here.

How do we hire a carriage for our wedding or event?
Carriage Operators of America keeps a list of professional carriage operators here.
How do I sell my carriage?
Classified ads are placed online FREE to CAA members for three months OR for two weeks to non-CAA members on the CAA website. (Text only, no photos.) The CAA is not responsible for any claims made in an advertisement. Send your information to
In the Goods & Services area you’ll find a list of auctions and auctioneers that may be in your area.
How much is my carriage worth?
Evaluating a carriage’s worth is dependent on many factors including condition, maker, size and type of carriage. The Carriage Association of America does not provide evaluation services for financial worth (we do offer an assessment for restoration/conservation). Please check under Goods and Services Providers for a list of individuals who do provide this service.
I need help restoring my carriage, where can I find resources?
The CAA has a great many books in our bookstore about restoring carriages. You can shop in our bookstore. We also have a list of nearly 600 vendors that specialize in various parts of carriage restoration – pin stripping, dash repair, specialized fabric, etc., in our Goods & Services area of the website.