Artistic Iron Products
Newark, Lincolnshire
July, 1989
This is a reproduction of a carriage built in 1904 by Brewster & Co. of New York. It was named in their records as “New Light Rand Break.” The mountain wagon was a type of passenger carriage used in the Western States. It was of simple but sturdy design. This model is of a more refined pattern.
The drawings for this carriage were taken from a Brewster carriage in the Museums at Stony Brook, Long Island, with modifications by Michael Mart to incorporate special features requested by Mr. Seabrook. The completed carriage was delivered in July, 1989. It weighs 1,250 pounds. The wheels and body framing are mostly of metal.
Artistic Iron Products is a firm owned by Michael Mart, who was the builder of one of the earliest patterns of special competition carriages, using steel wheels. More recently, carriages made by Artistic Iron Products carry the name of the Bennington Carriage Company.